10 Reasons Why The Character In My WIP Isn’t Based On You
1 min readMay 5, 2020
By CL Bledsoe
- I don’t base characters on people. I base them on life experiences that may involve people, but probably not you.
- Your name is spelled slightly differently. It has an “e” in it. My character has an “a.”
- Are you really interesting enough for me to base a character on?
- You never said that thing my character says, did you? Oh you did? Hmm. Why did you say that, though?
- You’re not as inconsiderate as my character, are you? I mean, you’d never forget my birthday, like how the character forgets the main character’s birthday, right? Say, when is my birthday, out of curiosity?
- Oh, you borrowed my Special Edition Blu-ray of the director’s cut of Weekend at Bernie’s and never gave it back, just like the character in my WIP? Hmm. Weird.
- No, the other day, when we were talking, I wasn’t taking notes. I was writing a grocery list.
- I think you’re acting kind of crazy right now, very similarly to how crazy my character acts.
- It’ll probably never get published, anyway. And if it does, shouldn’t you be happy for my success?
- Besides, the character in my WIP gets crushed by a piano falling out of a window. Have you ever been crushed by a piano falling out of a window? Move slightly to your left. No reason.